Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy things

I was tagged a while back by A Keepers Jackpot. This was an easy one for me but I was waiting for inspiration to strike. I was struck this morning! There are many, many things that make me happy but these ones came to mind first.

5 things that make me happy:

 my first sourdough

Slow-Cooking- By this I mean things that take all day or longer to make. Stew, chili, Bolognese sauce, chicken stock, sourdough starter & bread, corned beef, yogurt, reduction sauces, roast chicken etc. Even if little work is involved except stirring occasionally I really enjoy it. Especially the good smells that fill the whole house!

jars of agates          Beach Combing- My mother and I are Agate obsessed. When we visit the Oregon coast we brave all weather to go Agate hunting. Even on our local beaches where the agates aren’t as pretty or as plentiful, we just love looking at stones, beach glass, seaweed and shells. Being outdoors on our beautiful beaches (we are on islands after all) and soaking up the salty air does wonders for the soul!

embroidery detail

Details- it bit ambiguous I know but I am detail oriented. I love the details of things. The crumbly edges to vintage magazines, a button on a coat, a brushstroke on a painting, rainspouts on buildings. In fact I think I’m going to start a Macro Monday feature. It’s also and unfortunate reflection of my organizational  style. I often can’t see the forest through the trees.

West Coast Trail 2003

Early Morning Departures- This goes back to travelling with my dad as a kid. Before my sister was old enough to come along and before I things soured between my father and I. He loved to climb and backpack or just go on road trips. He would wake me up just before dawn and  we’d set out before anyone was awake. I still love to this day, travelling in those wee hours before anyone else is awake. The chilly morning air, birds beginning to chirp, quiet towns where there is no one at the stop light but you. I used to like to wonder about where the other cars where going at that hour when we saw one. Were they going on an adventure too? Did they just get up or had they been driving all night? I still love to watch the world come awake and wonder where the day will take us.

Dahlias- My favorite flower. Big pompons of color. They are not a very serious flower and it’s hard not to smile at a vase full of them. Sadly, all my dahlia pictures died along with my laptop.