Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Green – day 3


I had way too much fun with my macro today. My new camera has a super macro and I adore it. Adore it I tell you! Just point and shoot. No blurriness, no holding my breath. I just want to run around the house taking close ups of everything. Maybe I need to start doing Macro Monday. Nothing but pictures taken 3 inches or closer.


I have a bunch of vintage aprons hanging in my sewing room (Me thinks I may need to add a few of them to this post?). The really cute gingham ones with all the cross stitching and pulled work on them. I wanted to do something similar on napkins or hand towels so I did a little swatch to see how quickly I could whip it off.

Quick, but quick enough? Anything with embroidery is always pushing the limits of labor efficiency but I do love it so! Something to work on in front of the tv, or long road trips…we’ll see where it ends up. Hopefully on something wonderful in the Etsy shop!