Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Retro and Vintage Clip Art


I love clip art and am always delighted when I find good retro images. A few years ago I found this wonderful stack of vintage clip art at a favorite bookstore. I had never seen these before and bought the whole pile.


They are from a monthly clip art publication called Clipper Creative Art Service. Mine are from 1966-67. There are too many styles and types of images to include here (plus it involves actually cutting them out) and the pages are too large to scan in entirety (12x18).


Each page will have several images, each in about 4 different sizes – you have to remember this was before the Xerox was common!


On a facing page they have wonderful mock ads showing the many ways a business could use the image.


Also included are fonts, textures, seasonal etc. You can see some more here.

I also rediscovered some retro vectors that I thought I had lost when my old laptop died.

bathtime_detThese are from Mister Retro and I highly recommend any of their wares.


I am sooo happy to have these back! They also have a site dedicated to retro fonts, Font Diner, most of which I bought as well. Some very talented and easy to work with guys.


I can’t wait to put them to use!