Granola has long been a breakfast favorite of mine. I would make it from scratch on occasion but I always eat it up so quickly no one else gets a chance. Now that we're trying to be more frugal and cereal, especially granola, is so expensive, I decided it was time begin making in on a regular basis. To make it more economical I now buy most of the ingredients in bulk at Costco. Oats, nuts, honey etc, and share the excess with my mother, who taught me the joys of homemade granola at a young age.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
What's Cooking? Granola!
Granola has long been a breakfast favorite of mine. I would make it from scratch on occasion but I always eat it up so quickly no one else gets a chance. Now that we're trying to be more frugal and cereal, especially granola, is so expensive, I decided it was time begin making in on a regular basis. To make it more economical I now buy most of the ingredients in bulk at Costco. Oats, nuts, honey etc, and share the excess with my mother, who taught me the joys of homemade granola at a young age.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Two day, two towns, a lot of thrifting
Along with my goofy finds like the ones pictured here, we are collecting books on canning/preserving, drying, vegetable gardens and any other book on preparedness and self-sufficiency, making as much home-made as possible. Also tins, jars and Tupperware for pantry storage (I'll get more into this in another post). Vintage or newer, as long as it's in good, food-safe condition.
Along with my sharing my retro finds I also hope to share some valuable information from these other books. Knowing how to make a good gelatin mold may not be a valuable skill but knowing how to make your own cleansers is. Getting back to basics is a good thing. Gelatin, not so much.
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Mighty Meat Loaf

I won't list the entire recipe for each loaf but I must share some of the highlights. The "chili-sauce topper" on the Twin Loaves is complicated- roll loaves in bread crumbs and dump hot sauce on it. What technique!
The Favorite Beef-Loaf is a traditional recipe with one secret ingredient no longer found in modern kitchens. Good old monosodium glutamate. Mmmm, MSG.
The show-stopping Glazed Ham-loaf Ring is first glazed in a sweet and sour sauce, then drizzled with a zippy mustard sauce (vinegar, egg and mayo)!
Now get out there and make a mighty meat loaf! Your family will hate you for it!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Odd Product Photography

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Vintage Magazines and Questionable Foods

I also found more of these little cooking booklets. Usually, but not always product-sponsored, they are always packed with unusual (and regrettable) recipes and great photos.
And of course, the cook books. I have quite a few now and it's apparent that it's become a habit. I have found dozens of Flickr groups sharing all manner of these items and I'm afraid I'm going to destroy these gems in the process of scanning them all!
And an ever popular item, vintage ads.
Mmmmm, breaded, deep-fried bananas!
I'll be sharing many, many more in the future but feel free to check out my Flickr and my Flickr groups to see the wealth of vintage fun out there!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
...Wait, weren't you already married?
My sweetie travels a great deal for work and once in a while I like to go with him to see some of the country and just because I otherwise wouldn't see a whole lot of him! This trip took us through WA, OR, CA and NV. About 8 hours outside of Las Vegas I decided I was ready to tie the knot and Sweetie was game too!

Appropriate, no?
Circa 1946 this book is old-fashioned to say the least. My favorite part is the extensive 8 page compatibility survey in the back. Each answer rates you points, the more points the more likely the compatibility. It was too long and out of date to be fun to fill out for myself but some of the more interesting questions include:
*Age at which you stopped going to Sunday school
*Number of "steady" relationships before meeting your spouse
*Number of social organizations you belong to
*Are parents of superior or reputable status in community
*Under 'marital status of parents' you receive the highest score if your mother is dead!
*Big points for growing up in the country but now living in the suburbs
We celebrated our 2 week anniversary yesterday :D
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I'm back! Again.
Come back tomorrow to find out what it is!