Did you know there was such a thing as International Bacon Day? Well I did and I missed it! But have good reason-I was at a 3 day cookout called Hog Fest. Now if that isn't the next best tribute to bacon I don't know what is.
I love bacon (and it features heavily in my fave 1950s foods) and think it should be celebrated every day! Here is my own tribute to this maligned meat featuring awesome Etsy artists.
The above image is from mgenogeno's shop and is titled, are you ready for this, "bacon"! He has a whole section in his shop dedicated to meat art and it's stunning!

These delicious fingerless gloves are by babypop, maker and purveyor of the swellest super-hero accessories for kids! And fingerless gloves, of course : ) If I wore these I'd be hungry all the time.

Now that's a bold statement! This button is a mere trifle of the meaty loveliness you'll find in SweetMeats' shop which features plush meat pillows! A carnivore's Valhalla!
And now for the legendary, best bacon tribute of all...Pocket bacon!

Or as spidercamp subtitled it "Seriously the dumbest thing I have ever made but you guys seem to like it". If that doesn't make you laugh you must check out her shop. Read every square inch of it. The Head Bitch in Charge luvvvs spidercamp's sense of humor. And her specialty is crazy stuffed bunnies with swear words and insults on them. Brilliant.
Now get thee to a butcher, pay tribute to this magical meat and rejoice in International Bacon Day!