Saturday, May 2, 2009

More Retro Salads

We haven’t seen much of the sun yet in the pacific northwest this spring. My little seedlings have barely poked through the surface of the soil. I will have to wait a bit longer for garden fresh salad greens.

But who says you need lettuce for a spectacular salad!


This BH&G book from 1958 is bursting with colorful fruit and vegetable salads. Most of them even look edible!


But we know that lovely, edible salads are not my fascination. I’m here for the elaborate spreads and all things suspended in gelatin!


Quite a spread, no? And do I spy something jellied on that tray?

Here are some more splendid gelatin examples;





There are so many wonderful photos in this book and I have yet to scan it all in.

Hopefully the sun will come and my salad greens will flourish. While I intend to eat them all fresh, don’t be surprised if you see a few leaves or veggies show up in some re-creations! Maybe I’ll try to even leave out the gelatin and recreate something like this instead.



(what is that I spy in the lower right…some jellied coleslaw perhaps?)